Saturday, February 23, 2008

oh my god almost cheated! sturday 23/2

today i and joey went to yew tee to do the project work we wanted to do the art project together with darwin and jianquan want at mc donald but cnt then we went to a playground abput nearing darwin house then we need to let it dry then darwin say wanted to play car park carhching then we cnt find jianquan n darwin so mi n joey saw a yellow shirt uncle in his 30s to 40s then i say we ask him larhs so i ask :erm excuse mi u got see two boys ? " he reply bak to me say : ya in the highest lvl be quiet " he said then i n joey went to the staricase then joey suddenly run then i ask joey to walk slowly then she quickly call mi to go up to her then i ask her wad? she say the uncle got a little bu dui jin then i ask why she say: u see har why the uncle will folo us and why must cal us queit " then she run i oso folo then we went bak to the playground where we do our project joey call darwin then tell him about it i ask jianquan whether he saw a uncle he say he saw but in a red tee ! waokao heng lor joey telll mi i reali go belive fck lor i so rong yi pian !!

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